David Weissmann

Marketing & Communications Leader

David leads media strategy at Gova10, a boutique PR agency focused on the tech ecosystem and mission driven NGOs.

Previously he ran marketing globally at BBT.live, a SaaS startup for secure business connectivity.

He spent 17 years at Verizon, most recently, as media spokesperson, appearing as a tech expert on television stations across the US and quoted in publications including the New York Times and Washington Post. His Verizon career included roles in communications, marketing, IoT business development, sales management, and enterprise sales. He is certified in Lean Six Sigma. 

David holds a BS in Marketing from Yeshiva University and an MBA from Iona University.

Crisis Communications

Consumer Tech Spokesman

Helping October 7th Families

Families impacted by the tragic events of October 7th in Israel needed to keep the world’s attention on their missing relatives.

Innovative 5G Campaign

First artist decorated 5G cell site

When Verizon wanted to place a 5G cell site in front of the Susquehanna Art Museum, they were not pleased.
We made some lemonade out of those lemons

Click the logos for media coverage of the 5G pole

Conference Speaker

Highlights from presentation to National Association of Realtors (NAR) Innovation Opportunity Investment (IOI) conference

Smartphone Photographer

Telling Stories With Data


©2024 David Weissmann

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